Returns Policy

  • What can be returned?

    The majority of our products are custom or personalized items are not returnable unless deemed to be defective or different than what was ordered. To determine if a product is defective, you must contact [email protected]and send a picture so it be can evaluated. All returns must be in their original packaging and must be in new condition. If there is any wear or has been worn by the customer, the item(s) cannot be returned. All returns must be made within 30 days of purchase.

  • What cannot be returned?

    Customized items, once approved by the customer are NOT returnable or refundable unless one of the following occurs: (1) If the product is determined to have a manufacturer defect, (2) the quality of the printing is below a reasonable range or (3) the design is different than what was ordered.

  • Return Shipping

    All shipping charges for returning products to us must be paid by the returnee. We do not reimburse shipping charges.  Elsmore Sports will pay for shipping for manufacturer defects or printing errors caused by Elsmore Sports.

    Send the package to:

    Elsmore Sports - Returns
    5885 149th Street West, #103
    Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124

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